Original post: https://bitsofco.de/async-vs-defer/
Difference between require, include, require_once and include_once
In PHP, when should I use require vs. include? When should I use require_once vs. include_once?
What is Data, Database and Database Management System (DBMS)?
Data Data is any sort of information which is stored in computer memory. This information can later be used for a website, an application or any other client to store for future purpose. The most common information is User information in the form of user personal, address and banking information. Let’s consider Facebook, it stores our personal data, images, posts, comments and many more things. Banking application also stores user data, their transactions details, funds summary etc. All this information is data, but when it put together and store in a structural way, it becomes informational data. Database A database is a collection of information that is organized so that…
What’s with putting the CSS in the head?
A look into the practice of placing CSS within the head of a HTML page vs external CSS file and how it affects page performance. Throughout my development years, the default practice has been to place all CSS in an external minified CSS. Then place this CSS file on a CDN, which would help improve loading time by hosting this file on multiple servers, one of which maybe geographically closer to the user and thus load quicker (reducing latency).
Using Optional Correctly
References https://dzone.com/articles/using-optional-correctly-is-not-optional
Solve your Java performance problems
The Performance Diagnostic Methodology (PDM) is a structured approach in order to find the root cause of Java performance problems. When performance issues occur, often people start panicking and start tuning the JVM without exactly knowing whether they are solving the cause of the performance issue. Therefore, a structured approach can exclude some possible causes and point you in the right direction in order to solve the issue appropriately. The approach is visualized with the next scheme. References:
How to create file in Java
References: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2885173/how-do-i-create-a-file-and-write-to-it-in-java
Factory Method Design Pattern
Factory method pattern enables us to create an object without exposing the creation logic to the client and refer to the newly-created object using a common interface. It is one of the most widely used creational patterns. This pattern is also known as the Virtual Constructor. The intent of this pattern, according to Design Patterns by Gamma et al, is to: Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. The Factory method allows a class to defer instantiation to subclasses. The Factory method is for creating objects. A superclass specifies all standard and generic behavior and then delegates the creation details to subclasses…
Functional Programming in Java 8
References: https://flyingbytes.github.io/programming/java8/functional/part1/2017/01/23/Java8-Part1.html https://dzone.com/articles/functional-programming-in-java-8-part-2-optionals?fromrel=true
All Java Built-In Annotation Examples
Java introduced annotations upon their Java 1.5 release. Since then, annotations have shaped the way we design our applications. In this article, we’ll talk about a set of predefined annotation types in the Java SE API. Some annotation types are used by the Java compiler and some apply to other annotations. What Is Annotation? Annotations are Java types that are preceded by an @ symbol. Java has had annotations ever since the 1.5 release. Since then, they’ve shaped the way we’ve designed our applications. Spring and Hibernate are great examples of frameworks that rely heavily on annotations to enable various design techniques. Basically, an annotation assigns extra metadata to the…